Oh Jean... how naive! How can he be out on his ass when the Supreme Court got him his job?
But thank god we're not in Italy!!!
Yet another case of Industrial disease
How very very odd. I've never heard of any place like this in my life!
Hmmm. Then again what could be the hottest new accessory for that eligible batchlor who simply has everything? Of course! a Government! Simple matter of dumping a few millions and calling up some old friends. Caaaliiifoooniaaaa!
Yeah, well like it's about time it was said. After the fall of the USSR, the marketing of the PRC and the madness of the PRNK Karl Marx was right. Or if you like to listen to CNN Democracy and Free Market Economics go together like protesters and sgtrike busters. Oh... sorry i meant your friendly neighborhood police department's riot squad. Or if you like to get things straight, corporations have taken over the US government. Now I do keep that 10 foot cattle prod pointed straight at the foil hat crowd but it's absolutely glaring. Every single member of the US cabinet is a top executive in a major corporation. Cheney as VP and Halliburton getting all those juicy juicy government contracts, for the sake of writing it, is not a coincidence. Like they say ownership is 9/10ths of the law. And the government is all about law.
But to make things even more dismal, executives are in fact employees. They may own some of the company they work for but they certainly can get fired. The stocks are down? Productivity is slacking? fire the president. So who does in fact own all this stuff. All the factories making gasoline additives? All the WallMarts (thanks for destroying rural life), the oil wells (well no need to thank anyone there), the coke cola bottling plants (a company which is planning to put adds on the moon. Just in case you forgot who they were. Okay, that's a joke)? I'll tell you! The masses! The diaspora of the working ones!! Each and every one of US!!! Or you can just say 'Old Money'. You know. Those hidden billionaires out there. The ones who not olny get away with murder, but never get 'suspected'. The ones with family trees with Hapsburg and Coburg branches. People who take Leona Helmsley as an example. But what do you expect? When the US government can olny pay the POTUS 400k in all good conscience and Halliburton can pay Mr Cheney, all conscience aside, an ez 30M . And what can we do about it? We can vote, or shall i say we could. I do. I vote for the Greens. Which around here get as many votes as the Marxist Leninist. But then again why should I waste my vote on the Liberals? You could start hanging around survivalists, which i wouldn't discount as needless contacts. Who knows, in 10 years they might come in handy. Or you could RUN AWAY!!
People will call you a coward. People will say you're a loser. But hey, you won't be paying 30 to 50 % income tax to feed the likes of the Lockeed Martin Board of Directors at the rate of 2G$ a B2. Which are, of course, sorely needed. So do yourself a favor. Do us all a favor and look at the map. Chose your favorite weather and find a nice small friendly nation which is in dire need of Sociology Bachelors. At least you won't have to worry about who's gonna win the 'elections'. Or if Ken Lay is finally going to be tried.
You'll be able to live an easy life, well easier, in some nation you'll have to remind your friends an family exactly on which continent it is. Suggestions? Well the pickings are slim. Singapore is one. Tunisia is another. Lebanon ain't so bad anymore. Argentina would have been a choice pick, if it weren't for that whole 'Hmmm, you know the World Bank just might be right.' thang. Venezuela looks kinda safe, for now. Costa Rica's been one of those places where nothing ever happens. Or you could stay home and start talking back to Wolf Blitzer.