Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I'm turning 30 soon

So I guess it's time I started making sensible choices.
So when it comes to the war on Iraq it's gonna have to be
yes m'asser from now on. Unless something big changes, like if Kerry wins the election. Or I find myself some kind of nice little resistence movment to join.

Monday, November 29, 2004

US export boom busted

The US is seeing it's dollar sink like the Exxon Valdez. But that's the neat thing about a cheap currency. It alows greater exports. Which would lead to greater production in a badly gutted manufacturing sector. Which could lead to cutting down the trade deficit and wages for their "domenstic cheap labor market", aka the working class. Which would lead to higher domestic demand for what would hopefully be domestic products. Too bad no one told their Prez that antagonzing US trade partners could be a bitcounterproductive., Or maybe he just can't understand the concept.
Then again, it's too bad that everyone out there with any kind of cash, China, Europe, Japan, made their living off that fat greenback. I'm telling ya, this is a Titanic situation.

Thursday, November 25, 2004


Finally some heart warming news.


2 dogs
one bone.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

$100K to prove 9/11 US government story is accurate

Yes -- if you can scientifically prove that the WTC towers collapsed for the causes advanced by the official 9/11 story, this guy will pay you 100 000 US pesos :

Mega-Millionaire Offers $100,000 Reward For Scientific Proof WTC Towers Collapsed As Bush Administration Claims

Further, Kevin R. Ryan was terminated Tuesday from his job at Environmental Health Laboratories Inc., a subsidiary of Underwriters Laboratories Inc., the consumer-product safety testing giant, for voicing his dissent with the official story of how the buildings collapsed.

Too many questions about 9/11 were left unanswered. See ReOpen911.org

This is a greater scandal than Monica and Watergate.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Peace, freedom and justice for all

God were the Taliban ever anti-freedom. Everything was banned. Bare headed women, Bare Naked Ladies for that matter, voting, shooting members of the Taliban, alcohol... hell they would whip you if they caught you with so much as a cigarette.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Yasser Arafat bites it

ooooo this is fun

I guess that's what happens when you pay a buncha sad ole foreign men to keep your peace in their nation. Some people might tend to get pissed off. They might even start calling them traitors.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Is Al-Qaida really that powerful?

The BBC concluded a 3-part series this week called "The Power of Nightmares". It argues and proves that the image of Al-Qaida projected to us by the mainstream media is an exaggeration. It also highlights who benefits from keeping the population afraid.

The video can be viewed online. It is an excellent production; unfortunately it is not likely to make it to North American TV screens any time soon.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Thank God for the wastage system

Well, at least we don't have 4 more years of Ashcroft as well as Bush.
Then again with Kerry in we wouldn't have had Bush either.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Oil prices spiral down?







Hope for America? Jean... how naive

Kerry Won...
Greg Palast
November 04, 2004
Excerpted from TomPaine.com

---Kerry won. Here are the facts.---

I know you don't want to hear it. You can't face one more hung chad.
But I don't have a choice. As a journalist examining that messy sausage
called American democracy, it's my job to tell you who got the most
votes in the deciding states. Tuesday, in Ohio and New Mexico, it was John

Most voters in Ohio thought they were voting for Kerry. CNN's exit poll
showed Kerry beating Bush among Ohio women by 53 percent to 47
percent. Kerry also defeated Bush among Ohio's male voters 51 percent to 49
percent. Unless a third gender voted in Ohio, Kerry took the state.

So what's going on here? Answer: the exit polls are accurate. Pollsters
ask, "Who did you vote for?" Unfortunately, they don't ask the crucial,
question, "Was your vote counted?" The voters don't know.

Here's why. Although the exit polls show that most voters in Ohio
punched cards for Kerry-Edwards, thousands of these votes were simply not
recorded. This was predictable and it was predicted. [See
TomPaine.com, "An Election Spoiled Rotten," November 1.]

---Whose Votes Are Discarded?---

And not all votes spoil equally. Most of those votes, say every
official report, come from African-American and minority precincts. (To learn
more, click here.)

We saw this in Florida in 2000. Exit polls showed Gore with a plurality
of at least 50,000, but it didn't match the official count. That's
because the official, Secretary of State Katherine Harris, excluded 179,855
spoiled votes. In Florida, as in Ohio, most of these votes lost were
cast on punch cards where the hole wasn't punched through
completely-leaving a 'hanging chad,'-or was punched extra times. Whose cards were
discarded? Expert statisticians investigating spoilage for the government
calculated that 54 percent of the ballots thrown in the dumpster were
cast by black folks. (To read the report from the U.S. Civil Rights
Commission, click here .)

And here's the key: Florida is terribly typical. The majority of
ballots thrown out (there will be nearly 2 million tossed out from Tuesday's
election) will have been cast by African American and other minority

---The Impact Of Challenges---

First and foremost, Kerry was had by chads. But the Democrat wasn't
punched out by punch cards alone. There were also the 'challenges.' That's
a polite word for the Republican Party of Ohio's use of an old Ku Klux
Klan technique: the attempt to block thousands of voters of color at
the polls. In Ohio, Wisconsin and Florida, the GOP laid plans for poll
workers to ambush citizens under arcane laws-almost never used-allowing
party-designated poll watchers to finger individual voters and demand
they be denied a ballot. The Ohio courts were horrified and federal law
prohibits targeting of voters where race is a factor in the challenge.
But our Supreme Court was prepared to let Republicans stand in the
voting booth door.

---Enchanted State's Enchanted Vote---

Now, on to New Mexico, where a Kerry plurality-if all votes are
counted-is more obvious still. Before the election, in TomPaine.com, I wrote,
"John Kerry is down by several thousand votes in New Mexico, though not
one ballot has yet been counted."

How did that happen? It's the spoilage, stupid; and the provisional

CNN said George Bush took New Mexico by 11,620 votes. Again, the
network total added up to that miraculous, and non-existent, '100 percent' of
ballots cast.

New Mexico reported in the last race a spoilage rate of 2.68 percent,
votes lost almost entirely in Hispanic, Native American and poor
precincts-Democratic turf. From Tuesday's vote, assuming the same ballot-loss
rate, we can expect to see 18,000 ballots in the spoilage bin.

Spoilage has a very Democratic look in New Mexico. Hispanic voters in
the Enchanted State, who voted more than two to one for Kerry, are five
times as likely to have their vote spoil as a white voter. Counting
these uncounted votes would easily overtake the Bush 'plurality.'

To read the article in full, click here:


Contact: media@gregpalast.com

View Greg Palast's BBC Television film, "Bush Family Fortunes,"
available on DVD from The Disinformation Company at

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Bloodbath Whitewash

The US are doing a damned good job of keeping their casualties down.
In a battle of "5000" insurgents vs 15 000 US marines that was promised to be a bloodbath we get casualties of 10 US soldiers and 2 in their ranks of Iraqi fodder and 40 some in the "anti-Iraqi" forces.

So, either they have soldiers made of steel or they just might be lying abut the figures.


Hmmm well, 4 days later Felujah is under US control...ish. And still the casualty count looks rediculous. 40 some on one side, hundreds on the other.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Election fraud

Voters in Ohio were so enthusiastic, they cast more votes than there are voters. Kerry still has time to un-concede.

Evidence of vote fraud is mounting across the country, here's a compilation.

Now, when will the mainstream media stop hiding this?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Worst... Beneder... Ever

"I remember once, I was a bit drunk,...

I can just imagine an American spy being questioned by a senior officer.
"You stay here in camp until your trial. You say one thing bad about Kim Il-Jung and you dig your own hole!"

That's the problem with closed societies. They breed mediocrity.