Thursday, April 29, 2004

Of conspiracy theories..

The problem with the *official* WTC story is that the sources aren't exactly that credible. There are too many holes and obvious lies in the official story, one should be enough to bring this pseudo-Administration down.

Oh yeah... and the top 2 won't testify in public, under oath or separately. They are The President, after all.

Hugh Hefner is a FAG!!

The problem with all this WTC conspiracy stuff is that the sources aren't exactly that credible. Then again it the fact that some people beleive this shit might explain alot of the support for guys like Bush.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

CBS News Channel Eyewitness Describes 'Secondary Explosions' in the WTC

This is the audio of the live reporting occuring on the morning of September 11th. On two occasions the commentatoir mentions secondary explosions just before the collapse of each tower.

If it wasn't for all the propaganda, you'd be hard-pressed to prove this was NOT controlled demolition.

The faces of the Iraqi occupation

These are the Americans dying in Iraq. It's not about regime change. It's not about WMDs. It's not about the stopping the spread of radical Islamic fundamentalism. And they fucking know it.

Cease Fire

So THAT's what the US declared ceasefire was all about. That's what the negotiations were about. They were about luling the besieged people of Felluja into a false sense of security so they could amass enough Fiya Powah to put the siege to an end. That's what the US Army is there for isn't it? Security. Well there ya have it. If you negotiate a peace with us we will do our best to flatten your city and kill your women and children in their sleep.

Blog thang

Cruising the web is neat. The USD sux. And Rufus rulz. Eh, as if i'd use my real name in some random registration. So Rufus Clive-Smyth is born.
I like the way they try and be positive about everthing. Especially about the smrt. Rufus has "the unusual distinction of being equally good at math and verbal skills." Or of being equally wrong on everthing.
Oh no! I guess I'm not that hot. Rufus had an IQ of 133 until I decided to pith him. Oh no... Rufus! My brainchild! no one will ever know your worth!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004


I guess our parents aren't the only ones out there that haven't noticed that the world has changed in the past 30 years. Check this guy out.

4 female bodyguards in blue camo framing the fearless leader delivering his message of defiance to paper tigers who invited him over. Oooo baby, it's as if Quentin Terrantino put that little press conference together. It's as if the Jackal was still highjacking planes and the Achilles Largo was still a nice place to sail into retirement. The only thing missing here, well the only thing I'm missing, to complete the illusion are the Ray Bans.

Monday, April 26, 2004

Criminals and the voters who love them.

Well if one thing can be said about India is that it is a world upon itself. Everything from gods walking the earth to murderers in parliament.

I guess they have it easy. At least their don't have their hands on CNN and the Security Council. And never mind that they run on the Robin Hood platform and win! Eh... footwork fistwork, potahto potayto. Kidnap with intent to murder doesn't sound much worse then an adminstration capable of destroying the earth 50 times over in 20 minutes complaining of the enemy not obeying a 'unilateral ceasefire' and an intelligence deficit.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

When did it happen?

When did the future change from 'leading to better and easier lives' to 'WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!'...
Hmmm come to think of it that's a bit '90s. I guess the future says 'blue pill or red pill?'. Or 'thyroid cancer'.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Intelligence Deficit

To paraphrase George Orwell 'It's not what you say but how you say it."


"But he acknowledged "a form of descending consent'' for the U.S. military presence occurring among Iraqis as time passes. "

Yep. Felluja is all about consent. Just a different way of showing it.

"History is going to have to decide whether that was right or not,'' he said.


It's not up to me to decide weather what I'm doing is good or evil. It's up to historians.

"So part of me says our jobs may have been easier had we just found a way to keep some of the Baath Party in place,''

Cause obviously I can't.

During the recent militia attacks, "about 50 percent of the security forces that we've built over the past year stood tall and stood firm,'' he said.

I guess that's why they call it a standing army. Fighting on the other hand...

But sometimes you just can't.... I can't. I just can't understand how thick some of these guys are.

"We have to get this latest increase in violence under control,'' Dempsey said. "We have to take a look at the Iraqi security forces and learn why they walked.''

"It's very difficult at times to convince them that Iraqis are killing fellow Iraqis and fellow Muslims, because it's something they shouldn't have to accept,'' he said. "Over time I think they will probably have to accept it.''

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the deadliest of them all? Never mind the least Muslim and Iraqi.

"There is a point where it doesn't matter how well we're doing, it won't be accepted that we have a large military presence here,'' he said. "We're all working very diligently trying to figure out where that point is.''

This I can't refute. They certainly are working 24/7 to reach that point. Then again I think I can. I think they reached it a little over a year ago and just weren't able to see it. Yah know, all that blinding hubris 'n all.

But Dempsey added: "On the other hand, the entire part of the population that was disenfranchised during these 35 years, largely the Shiite population, absolutely has no trust in any former member of the Baath Party. So we found ourselves exactly in the middle of this.''

Found yourselves? I think the word you're looking for is put.

Kerry in 2004 Draft in 2005

Bush and Kerry might as well be twins.

Well Jean, they're not listening to American citizens now so I doubt that they will even think twice, as they never did before, or even once to make the citizen pay for the Bush admin's mistakes.

In their arrogant blindness they believe that people will joyfully accept to be forced to fight in Iraq. God knows that they are lining up in droves to volunteer to fight. That's why they're running out of troops and are considering the draft. In the 60's the Vietnam draft caused a minor ruckus mostly because the last 'Big One' was against the worst of humanity seen to that date; aka WW2. And even then it wasn't so popular. Unfortunately the last time the draft was used this time around was when LBJ sent the peachfuzz crew to slaughter the Viet Cong. But of course things have become much better in the USA since. Since then stellar economic prosperity and great steps forward in civil rights has been liberating millions from overwork, or work at all, teaching them all that school is for tools and that the only reason to become a doctor is to be a millionaire by 35. So of course people will love the draft. Throngs of people will run through the streets shouting and yelling their youthful exuberance in such a violent manner that the police will have to respond with deadly force. Unfortunately it won't be what most could call a celebration. Most probably a riot.

As for responsibility I doubt Mr Hagel could even define the word. It came to mind when he asked why people shouldn't bear the responsibility for something of which they are not responsible. And as far as Cheney & Co responsibility is the word they use to make people feel guilty for opposing them when they don't vote or recycle.

Men who leased WTC (and cleaned up on insurance money) buy Sears Tower in Chicago

From :

MetLife Inc., owner of the 110-story tower in the West Loop, disclosed the sale Thursday. MetLife wouldn't reveal the buyers, but a source close to the sale said they are New York investors who held the lease on the World Trade Center.

6-hour check-in's?

According to the Evening Standard, "New security checks required by the US authorities will lead to chaos at Heathrow and Gatwick".

Hmm. Spain suddenly looks like a much better place to go to!

Bush in 2004, Draft in 2005

Chuck Hagel, Republican Senator, ponders:

"Why shouldn't we ask all of our citizens to bear some responsibility and pay some price [for the Iraq war]?""

Answers to that:

1. Because it was a dum idea
2. Because you lied to the US population and the world to go into it
3. Because it benefits US megacorporations, not the American or Iraqi citizen

Draft Bush's twin daughters first. See what happens.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Prison Labor system.

This little flash has been around for ages. But this here bloggy thang just wouldn't be complete without it.

It's not a deposed elite. It's gangsta rappers!

Gun amnesties might work in the USA but that's usually because the police is destroying evidence in the process. But if the IRA won't disarm after years of negotiations I'm certain the insurgents in Al Felluja will while being besieged. You see it's the incentives that are the clincher here. If they give up their rocket launchers and machine guns Iraqi police will regain control of the city and if they do not they Marines will break their unilateral ceasefire and launch an immediate offensive. Of course, the deal having been taken, if anymore attacks are perpetrated against Iraqi police or any mercenaries hired by the coalition the deal is off and Iraqi police will be called in to patrol the city and the Marines will attack. Wich would be alot easier since there would be a few hundred guns missing on the side of the 'evil doers'.

"It would appear there is an agreed political track. There is also a very clear understanding ... that should this agreement not go through, Marine forces are more than prepared to carry through with military operations" and could seize Falluja "in fairly short order," he [Kimmit] said at his daily briefing.

Of course. That's why they're offering deals. Seizing Al Felluja in a fairly short order was never an objective. It is only now that it has come to mind to General Kimmit. Apparently the lifting a strict curfew over a city they do not control is another incentive to accepting this deal.

But things are looking up for Mr Sadr. US forces are relenting on their promise to kill or capture him. See they're afraid that they'll be another Feulljia if they try that out. Never mind that they're replacing the force surrounding that city. Which I think has more to do with American soldiers being more worried about not being rotated back home, which is what they were expecting a long time ago, then being shot at, which is what they are expecting right now.

"Because of where negotiations are right now, we can wait," Col Pittard said. "We still want Iraqis to solve the problem." In case you didn't notice sir they already are.
Too bad they seem to believe, for reasons beyond anyone's understanding, that the occupation of their nation by hostile foreign forces is the problem.

On the other hand Mr Sadr asking his troops not to attack Spanish forces since they are pulling out soon. This just goes to show how much of a madman he is. Spain said that the early withdrawal would not hurt long term relations with the USA. I can't really see how those could get any worse, Spain now having a socialist government.

Saudi Arabia to help Bush

From CNN: "A top Saudi official has assured President Bush that his country will increase oil production to lower gas prices before November to help the president's re-election prospects."

Well, if he can't win it by himself, call in our Saudi friends.... Low gas price, voting machines which vote for you so you don't have to... he really needs all the help he can get.

Chavez tells US to stop interfering in Venezuela

Venezuela provides the US with 15% of its foreign oil. Any wonder the US want to unseat Chavez to put its own puppet in place? Chavez says stop, or you can forget about oil.

Friday, April 16, 2004

It's not what you kill but how you kill it.

Well finally a little sanity. In the end it's not what that will kill you but how.
Good morals are not about civility for civility's sake. They are not a luxury that interfere with the more serious business of international politics. They are the proven way to achieve stable, efficient, lasting results. What surprises me is that people still believe, at whatever age Dick Cheney has, that doing anything wrong will actually produce something good. Or maybe I am just being naive. Maybe, which is my greatest suspicion, Bush&Co. are not at all interested in doing anything good in the first place.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

US planting WMD's in Iraq

Had they been smarter, they would have done this a long time ago. Now, when the US announce the discovery of their own WMD's in Iraq, hardly anyone will believe them. Or should believe them. Sadly, many people will believe them...

Bin Laden peace offer to Europe

In an audio message, Bin Laden has offered a truce to Europe... but not to the US. Bin Laden makes the observation that the war in Iraq is merely a "money-making scheme for companies making weapons or aiding reconstruction efforts - specifically naming the American firm Halliburton".

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

What if Russia invaded Iraq??

If you think Americans sound like people who have eaten too much lead right now can you imagine what they would sound like if someone else were actually doing evil?

Half the nation would be begging Bush, in the name of freedom and justice and teletubbies, to make'em shadows glow. The other half would be worried about the effect of the fallout on their garden's tomato crop. A couple of fundits (oops pundits) on CNN would debate the facts. One saying that nukes might pollute Russian oil reserves and the other positing the point that fallout works very well against aphids.
The debate would not revolve around how insane the Iraqis are to dare to fight back but rather on how insane the Americans are not to go kick russky ass again. Of course they never did kick their ass but any American worthy of the name would certainly be kind enough to pop your eardrum proving they had. "BAY OF PIGS!!" would yelp Al Grocer waving a determined finger in the air. "Those were the Cubans. By that logic the Russians fought you when you funded the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan." "The CIA never funded the Mujahadeen!!" "I never said that the CIA funded them, and weren't you bragging about how they did that last week?" "You're twisting my words you liberal fag!!" (Okay... well this is why I can't chat in 'politics' rooms anymore....) aaanyways...

If the Russians had invaded Iraq 'unilaterally' (though I've never really heard of a nation that's negotiated an invasion on itself) the calls for a UN lead police force to contain this boundless aggression and complete abnegation of all forms of international law and human rights and the abandon of any respect for human life or dignity might actually be taken seriously.

This is how far behind this world has left the concepts of reason and intellectual integrity. Morality I can't say we've lived with for very long. But it used to be that when a nation would finally phase into acute hydrophobia, jump the fence and tear into the abused child from 'round the block they would actually face some kind of opposition.

For a while there we had the USSR barking back. But not anymore. No No No... And thank God. Cause those guys were just iiiiivuuulll!!!

The truly scary bit here is that if this shit flies for Bush I really wonder who's going to take it to new heights. What the hell. In 50 years when we all sing the Star Spangled Banner and gargle with caramel flavored carbonated soft drinks in the morning we just might have to invade those damn Martians which have gone on strike and refuse to follow orders. Like the guys on Skylab did. Or as Barbara Kerry Bush would say "They have stolen a PLANET! a whole PLANET!! THIS CANNOT STAND!!!"

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

What if Russia invaded Iraq?

Buzzflash has a good piece: how would Americans react to the kind of events we now see in Iraq if Russia had been the invading force? Would they call for Putin to be arrested and tried for having lied to his people to get support for the war?

Monday, April 12, 2004

Oh Well

I guess I got a bit excited. It looks like this will drag on for years to come. What I am afraid of is what's going to come out of this little shot of the political/economic/social/religious blender on liquify treatment.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Oh Fuck!

Be careful what you wish for. For you might get it.

Nations always proclaim their sternness resolve to fight on just before their surrender.
Churchill's 'we will fight them in the hills' speech was made days before they planned to surrender.

"Our resolve is firm, our resolve is unshakeable, and we will prevail," said the White House spokesman Scott McClellan.

This is baaaadness! BAAAADNESS!

I'm not saying that the US is about to surrender to whatever's in Iraq. I'm saying that their empire of fear looks like it's about to fall like a house of cards. And cards they may be but 1G$ ones do weight a lot. And they've got many more then 52 of those.
Iraq isn't the only place the USA has a stake in that's going up in flames. 29 Bombs were detonated in Riyadh (the source is well ummm... aural). The K is loosing it's grip on it's SA.

Bush is in crisis talks. Blair is in crisis talks. Blair is set to fly over to Washington in a week for... crisis talks.

I am scared. The co-alition has lost control of some areas. If they lose enough will they use nukes in these areas cleared of allied forces? Will the Dow and FTSE et al crumble under the pressures of the jobless recovery and destroyed investor confidence? Have they counted on success in Iraq to secure their investments?
Have things gotten bad enough yet? Is enough now enough?

Eli Lilly to the rescue

Great reseach and applications
Saving more lives with fewer resources
Adminstration free of corruption

Nope. Can't have any of that

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Madmen and Morons

Meanwhile, a force of some 1,300 US marines and Iraqi troops began moving into the Sunni-dominated town of Fallujah. The town has been sealed off but witnesses speak of shelling and blasts and the use of helicopter gunships. This according to the BBC. The US has vowed to "pacify" Fallujah, after four US mercenaries were killed, torched and dismembered last week.

Meanwhile back in Washington, President Bush repeated the White House line saying, "The message to the Iraqi citizens is they don't have to fear that America will turn and run, and that's an important message for them to hear."

Don't wurry dubya. They're not affraid that America will turn and run. They WANT you to.

Nerves rattled in Washington

CNN reports that 'The sight of military jets flying low over the U.S. Capitol and the National Mall rattled some nerves Tuesday.'

"The flights involved two F-16 warplanes and military versions of the 737 jetliner and Gulfstream corporate-style jet, all based at Andrews Air Force Base.

"We are the protectors of the U.S. Capitol, and we want to tell the community we are here," a spokesman for the 113th Air Wing of the D.C. Air National Guard, which staged the flyovers, said before the event."

Andrews Air Force Base is only about 10 miles from the Capitol and from the Pentagon. Where were they on the morning of September 11, 2001?

Veitnam 2? not quite.

Nah. it's not another Vietnam.

It's much much worse. Check the chart

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Uh Oh! Spaghettio!


Monday, April 05, 2004

Kill em all. Let god sort them out.

'The move against Falluja is part of the promised US response to last Wednesday's killings of four American contractors in the city. Insurgents dragged the men's charred bodies through the streets and hanged two of them from bridges. Supported by US armour, some 1,200 marines and two battalions of Iraqi security forces were poised to enter the city.'- the Guardian.

Revenge = Massacre
The Hirohito's Imperial Army did it. Stalin did it. Hitler did it. Bush is going to do it again.

Bush more corrupt than Nixon

Now, that's something I could have said myself... but when it comes from a guy involved in the Watergate scandal, does it have more weight?

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Conspiracy consmearacy

Yeah. Iraq is old news. About 3 years old at least.

Big Pharma is your friend

Glaxo wants nothing but the best for your children.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Conspiracy conshmiracy

Iraq is old news? Tell me about it!

Some define insanity as doing the same thing but expecting different results

We fight for peace! Victorious Peace! Khe Sahn must not fall!!

To withdraw now would "dececrate the deaths of those already fallen"
To withdraw now would be a fatal show of weakness.
To withdraw now would be the end of the American Empire.
To withdraw now would be a good opportunity to reap before what ye have sown gets any more rotten.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

David Coresh is running Kazaa!!

The RIAA, the guys inditing 17 year old girls for downloading Britany Spears musak for crimes whose penalty could be years in prison has hired the head of the organization that first raided the Branch Dividian's ranch. Thaat's right, the ATF

So don't worry. If a SWAT team rams down your door and floods your child's bedroom with CS gas. It's not a mistake. She just downloaded a song too many.

George Bush Senior killing Reagan?

Here's a bit of history, told in a humourous way. The man who shot Ronald Reagan in 1981 was a friend of the Bush family. You know of course that if Reagan died, Bush sr. would have become president at that moment.

This is from the website - a satire site - however the facts behind the story are chillingly true.

Costs an arm and a leg - part 2

That would certainly take care of any witnesses. I love the name too. VeryPay. But yeah, sounds cheap too. 50$ discount on the first 100 000 patients. Olny an arm, but I'm sure leg implants are in the offing.

The concept is neat too.

"is sub dermal and very difficult to lose. You don't leave it sitting in the back seat of a taxi,"

It might be very hard to lose but then so would you.