Monday, January 26, 2004

Cherie Blair, UK prime minister's wife: Bush stole the 2000 election. We knew that already.... but that *she* would say it?

Thumbs up to Cherie, but that could seriously embarrass her husband!

Saturday, January 17, 2004

To those who think all that's here and in the alternative media are conspiracy theories: please take a couple of minutes to read the following articles:

This article from the London Spectator asks: why is it so easy to dismiss a suspicion by just labelling it "Conspiracy theory"? People readily accept there have been proven conspiracies in the past, yet cannot bring themselves to believe they could exist now.

The other article, "Paranoid shift" , shows the modern crumb trail.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

O'Neil, ex-Bush insider which just recently was spilling the beans on the Bushites' January 2001 plans to invade Iraq no matter what, ís now backpedaling. Just a few days ago, he was telling the media that they (who?) could not touch him because he was rich, is suddenly chickening out.

I guess being rich would not protect you from a sharp shooter, or Rove White House blackmail.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

wow! that's some nasty reactionary stuff!

'They are acting guilty because they are guilty.'

Never mind the message that in fact the terrorist
threat was higher before 9/11 then after. Sounds like
a truism but it does mean that, if they'd been in
tune, they could have caught it.

Was this the symptom of an inherently isolationist
GOP returning to the glory days. Ya know?
Before FDR presided over the great depression and
World War 2. After that it was all Reds under the bed and the new Cadillac.
Then after that it was Reds under Honduras and the new fighter jet.

Granada for god's sakes!! They invaded UK sovereign territory!!

Thing is that it's not washing the same way it used to.
I think this is the final fight. The old 'Barry Goldwater' type republicans vs the 'new' Bush type.
'New' cause that family has been in politics since 'H's pappy was Senator of Conneticut. Yeah, not from New York. In summer at least. New York was Rockerfeller.
In short, the fight between the founding democratic ideals of the USA and... the money.
Barry Goldwater might have been a broncing yahoo but he did say a few things about liberty.

How's this gonna go? Ohio vs New York?
Look!! I just saw something fall off the turnip truck that passed by.
But nobody's helping him up.

Born in Columbus, Died in New York

these things are neet

Not NAFTA, naphtha
Does that look like Bull Hubbard's nose?

I just came across this nice little bit about Microsoft Java Vitual Machine.

Impact of This Extension
With this extension, customers now have a year to identify MSJVM dependencies, to investigate alternatives, and to test and deploy alternate solutions.

The transition and migration options Microsoft offers will be customized to address the needs and circumstances of different types of customers:

Options for businesses
Options for owners of small and medium businesses
Options for businesses that redistribute Microsoft products with MSJVM in their technology or that offer IT and system integration services (solution providers)
Options for IT professionals
Options for developers
Depending on the situation, recommended courses of action may range from doing nothing at this time to identifying and addressing a customer's MSJVM dependency. For home users, no action is required at this time

Monopoly? Nah, not at all. But Bill name the main street of his new town Boardwalk, or is that the town?

'Define dependecy' would be the defence wouldn't it?

well anyways, it's all here in corporate pastels

Why Is Bush And His National Security Team Acting So Guilty About 9/11? Because they lied!

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Vote for Bush in 2004, get drafted and die in Iraq in 2005

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Between arriving caskets at Andrews AF base in DC being 'off limits' to media and fuzzy reporting, I think they might be lying
This is something that just might make people risk their lives to effect change. Know what I mean?
If ever they do get the draft back it'll pretty much be a lost solution. Cause putting down riots does cost a lot of man hours. And to tell you the truth, I don't see how the US can ever pull out of Iraq. Not until they have actually built a stable regime. Which has never happened. It is pretty obvious that they are overextended as is. But what if something else happens? Something they haven't been planning for for a decade, or even planned at all? Might just be that a few conscripts would fatten up the ranks quite nicely.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

Bush -ended- the Iraq War!!

Something to roll your eyes over.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

they're not protestors. They're TERROISTS!

Well i guess this is what happens when you build a state around terrorism.
Ya know, those guys that had just left Nazi hell to bomb the shit out of the Brits in what was still British Palestine. Only to quit their evil ways to find promising positions in the bran new state administration of Israel. (I guess the FLQ had to settle for the PQ.) I just call it by my little pet name, Israhell. Then again they did end up living with Palestinians. The second most hated ppl on earth. (If you're wondering why Jordan and Egypt aren't that keen on the West Bank or Gaza strip anymore ask them what they think of Palestinians.) The Israelis olny became the most hated after they started funding their army with US charity and knocking off any Arab they could get their hands on. IDF or Mossad, either way worked wonders for their neighborly relations. Americans are somewhere down the list past the Chinese, Japanese and Serbs. But hey, Canada's making huge headway with Americans in that depratment. I guess that's what we get for being such smart asses.

But that whole terrorism thing has got to be quashed. One way or another. Too bad the olny two ways they know of are killing off Palestinian leaders and trying to negotiate while killing off their leaders. Well not really, they don't try to negotiate, they just demand negotiations.

It could help if they didn't draw lines in the sand and say "You can go live over there." Then ten years later "You can go live over there now. But we don't realy care either way if you do. Live that is. If that's a problem say so. We'll take care of it right away." Of course the Palestinians end up living in permanent refugee camps. Which, for some strange reason end up nests of anti-Semitic forment and schools of terrorism. But those aren't really a problem either. It's a simple matter of a few armored bulldozers and their attendant infantry battalions. The effect of which reporters can olny write about are a reek of death while being detained on their outskirts for 'security reasons'.

Now i'm not talking out of nowhere here. I've met quite a few Israelis. And there are pretty much two types. Ya know, like in Canadia. Those that watch the news and say 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!' and those that think that Olie North is a righteous guy. Or even Yigal Amir, fan club and all. Like that IDF soldier who told me how he enforced his check point.
"They'll start off with their usual bullshit. 'If I don't get there i'll lose my job and my family will starve... My mother needs to get to the hospital or she'll die. You know, the usual junk that makes them want to cross our checks after curfew. If they keep on yabbering I just put my pistol to their heads and tell them: 'If you don't turn around right now it's you that'll be dead.'" I don't imagine they start talking back about civil rights or the constitution too often.

But i guess that's what you get for being the big boy's local thug. But in many ways they do have a lot to be thankful for the privilege. Like in '73 when Kissenger dropped off his cloud and saved their asses just when the Syrians and Egyptians were settling on a future mutual border. That counted as a victory too. Which is obviously one of the perks to being part of that select group invited to America's rapidly shrinking international political microcosm. Along with Zaire, the Philippines and Indonesia. A nice little place that lets you define UN resolutions as irrelevant and demands for occupied territory are simply a constant nuisance. But after a while the world becomes so irrationally hostile that they end up having to build a wall around themselves. Which makes perfect strategic sense. Considering that to the east the sea starts just a bit righwise of Shanghai and to the west a few kilometers off Tel Aviv. I guess the difference between the West bank and West Berlin is that Stalin was trying to stop ppl from leaving. Which is pretty much why Israel is importing that precious cheap labor from China and the Philippines. Who are, by the way, contractually obliged not to screw with any Israelis. Sexwise that is. Screwing with Israelis any other way is like screwing with Americans, you're just pissing off a fat lump of dumb bull. Smart ones aside, as always. But that does block off a whole market for the Filipinas. Viet Nam had nothing to do with that booming 'industry'.

I know it's in bad taste, but those Israeli flags made of tiny little swastikas are starting to make much more sense these days. Something got lost. Somewhere between creating masses of viscously hostile refugees and accepting patronage from the guys who pretty much live tested the atom bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. They could have been smart and realized that good fences olny make good neighbors olny if you don't start flinging high explosives over. Or they could have built a superb military only to become a little too proud of it not to use it, invation or not. You've gotta remember that gentile parents used to send their kids to Kibutzes until not too long ago. Now the olny guys who end up there give ya the "Why go there? They need my support. They need my money." reasons.

In short, Israel has become a problem.
Solution? Let them build their wall and forget they exist. At least until they start saying how much of a paradise Flin Flon is on their first student exchange permitted in 20 years.

the foil hat brigade report on Yigal Amir

Happy New Year all!

Here's an interesting Flash animation about the obvious flaws and risks of US electronic voting machines ("Machines that vote so you don't have to"). I urge you to forward it as widely as possible to US voters you know.