Secure and Stable Government
Hot potatah hot potatah hot potatah
About George Bush, media censorship, and investigative journalism
Prisonplanet notes that most terrorists revealed by John Ashcroft in the latest government "Boo!" are already in jail.
China has come a long way since 1949. From Asia's "Sick Old Man" before Mao took it away from the landlords, warlords, factory owners and drug peddlers that kept the sanitation department in the undertaking business to the monological orgies of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution to the Great Architect's (Deng Xiao Ping) overture to the rest of the world.
The Toronto Star reports on the new installment of the real 9/11 inquiry.
For the second time in the past two weeks Israelis in a moving van have been detained near a U.S. nuclear facility, this time at the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base near St. Marys, GA., near Sea Island, host of the G-8 Summit next month.
Did you know Bush's kid brother Marvin's company was responsible for the World Trade Centre Security...
"…when this news is combined with testimony from WTC personnel that after the security detail had worked 12-hour shifts for the previous two weeks because of threats, five days before 9/11 the security alert, which had mandated the use of bomb sniffing dogs was lifted."
It's handier to keep the bomb-dogs away if you're preparing a building for demolition -- as happened with WTC 7.
Some Christians find the United States no longer reflect their convictions, and call for a State to declare its independence and become a Christian Republic:
South Carolina has been picked, because it's pretty conservative and Christian already.
Not as crazy an idea as it sounds, if you ask me; the new independent Republic of South Carolina would work as a magnet for the Christian Right.... leaving the rest of Americans to get on with their lives and for half of them to maintain control over their reproductive system.
From :
Why immunity? To guarantee that US troups do not carry out war crimes. It's obvious. Why else?
"I respect this court but from the bottom of my heart I sit here a free man. When I am behind bars - if you put me behind bars - I will be a free man as well because my actions and my belief against the war have set me free."
This reminds me of a scene in Monty Python's Holy Grail where a confused Sir Lancelot (picture US Army soldiers) literally crashes a wedding party. Thinking he saving a damsel in distress (picture the statue of liberty) that turns out to be an effete prince (picture the NYSE). He goes about slaughtering half the reveling guests including the bride's father (think of Iraqi sovereignty). The Prince's father, after discovering Lancelot is a knight of the round table, adopts the bride who has "really big tracts of land" on the spot (Iraq). But the bride's father is not dead, he's pulling out of it quite well until the Prince's father "does away with him" (aka the truth). He then quiets the crowd by speeching "Let us not dwell on who killed who. Today is a day of celebration! Today we celebrate the union of "tracts of land" with... what was your name again?... Sir Lancelot"...
"Occupation soldiers have also ordered by loudspeaker all males over 16 to gather in one place or risk demolition of family homes."
Half the time it's not so much the crime which reveals so much about the criminals but the coverup. Just like Watergate and Iran-Contra, 9/11 will end up blowing the lid off all this crap.
What happens when you give a vain, nah Mr. Universe could never be vain, Hollywood shootem up actor and make him gubernatorial?
Rumsey knew about the torture at Abu Ghraib as early as January sez this freak from nowhere. His sources are at best apocryphal and credibility is unquestionably questionable. Yes, this man is completely discountable.
Want the FBI to know where you spent your vacation this year, which trinkets you bought, how much they cost, where you stayed and where you live? Fly
Lucent Is charged with a mere 1G$ fraud. Beh... I could swindle that much in my sleep. Well in my dreams to be more accurate.
Members of the Iraq governing council have one more reason to quit their posts. You see getting geting blowed up was not part of that deal. I think not being one of those being killed was half the reason for joining.
In case you're not convinced yet there's something fishy about the Berg beheading:,13918,1218376,00.html
"Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 is without doubt the most flaming-hot ticket at the Cannes film festival. And with good reason: Moore hopes that it will bring down the US government."
Oh wouldn't that be just sweet. Popular uprising in the United States - They The People reasserting their rights.
If Bush's policies are transparent to those who bother to look closely enough maybe the Leader needs a make over.
After having asked myself all the right questions I still have a few left unanswered. Such as who is the real moral influence of the Bush family? I believe I have found Jeb Bush's. It's Marvin,Secret Service codeword "Cerberus". I've heard of southerners holding debutante balls at the governor's mansion but tennis balls I've not heard of. I guess that might explain the funky lighting.
The test kits used to determine "HIV positive" status in patients are deeply flawed - they were developed on the basis of faulty scientific methodology and assumptions and are without value in determining whether a person suffers from "HIV Aids", alleges Kim Marie Bannon in a civil suit filed under the Consumer Protection Act of the State of Kansas, US,2763,1217375,00.html
It's about time Congresspeople realise that the criterium for 'Crimes and misdemeanor' has long been met:
This may mark the turning point where true American conservatives turn against Bush. Pat Buchanan explains it simply and plainly:
Alex Jones points out some more oddities about the Berg decapitation: for example:
7) Audio clearly dubbed in.
8) "Arab" reader flips through pages of "statement" and keeps ending up on
the same page. Perhaps doesn't even known enough Arabic to recognize what
page he's on?
9) "Arabs" have lily-white hands and (other exposed) skin.
10) "Arabs" have Western-style body posture and mannerisms.
Read the whole list at
After reading about this little fete these men had themselves with their American hostage I am utterly demoralized. Men which had democracy and civil order not been constantly mined and discarded in the middle east by the USA (never mind at home) and the regimes it keeps alive or relentlessly attacks might have grown up in nations where such thoughts and actions would have been those of the mentally ill. Instead they are the proverbial "tip of the iceberg" of popular Middle Eastern psyche.
Between the pictures coming to press from horrified civilians to charges being immediately laid upon a Private First Class and this little thigamajig only makes me smell a little 'soft wash'. Whitewash would be that Saddam was the last one to torture anyone at Abu Ghraib.
somebody gets arrested.
Between right and left there is still right and wrong.
What makes a man out of a soldier? Walking through hell and coming back alive to say Never Again.
I've noticed something. And it's intrinsic to all electronic media. But this one is a little more nefarious. All this proof that is fueling and keeping the anti-war and the anti-corporate movement of which it is part of alive has seemed to disappear from the web after a few years or even months. Broken links, deleted files and lost web sites have popped up on all the most interesting and hopefully illuminating sites.
Al Baz was not an ordinary Iraqi as far as the soldiers were concerned. He works for Al-Jazeera, the Arab media network with few fans in the administration. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld recently excoriated Al-Jazeera's coverage of Fallujah, saying, "I can definitively say that what Al-Jazeera is doing is vicious, inaccurate and inexcusable." These comments reflect the bitter feelings the administration has toward producers of negative news about the occupation. But this bitterness is not confined to words -- the U.S. military hit Al-Jazeera buildings in both Baghdad and Kabul, Afghanistan, strikes that the network believes were intentional, though the military denies it. As Baghdad fell to American forces on April 8 last year, a bomb struck the office of the network and killed Tariq Ayoub, an Al-Jazeera cameraman. Many journalists who have covered the war for the past year believe there is a clear pattern of intimidation toward the network by the coalition. Al Baz himself believes he was singled out because of his employer. "They knew me, they had stopped me before," he said of the soldiers from the 4th Infantry Division, who arrested him.
Mosanto, the guys behind making our food unfit for human consumption, have pulled their plans to produce GM wheat.
Looks like Rummy and GWB had themselves a little falling out in the oval office yesterday.
We're not talking of 18 minutes of erased Nixon tapes. This is the destruction of verbal testimony of air traffic controllers taken on September 11 2001.
"....The Chief of Safety of the Fire Department of New York told me after 9 o'clock here had roughly 200 men in the building trying to effect rescues of some of those civilians who were in and that basically he received word of the possibility of a secondary device, another bomb going off."
Now there's moral relativism if I've ever seen it.
As the hack journalist's moto goes "If you can't find the news, make the news" goes Macedonia has decided to make some terrorists so they could have something to show to their hopefuly soon to be mastahs. Of course nothing like this could happen in a "civilized" nation. After all Macedonia is people by degenerate lackeys of a godless nation. Nothing like the USA.
You don't need to go to Baghdad to get beaten up.... it happens in New York City detention centres too.
Looks like penis gurl was probably acting out her inferiority complex. Meaning that this woman who grew up in the USA knew less of this world then men who grew up under Saddam.
From Babylon to Rome. From Berlin to Washington. Of all the things these men carried only one thing stands out; the dream of dominion over all humans. Pax Americana doesn't sound very Latin to me. Does it to you? It doesn't take much to see the constant symbolism carried in these cultures. The obelisk, the arch, the pyramid. It's remnants are seen in Napoleon's Paris. Never mind the broad boulevards wide enough for horse races, or cavalry charges. Such as the ones in NYC. The results of these Empires are all derived from their motives. Their motives from their character. In short the lust for power. Unfettered and singular power. A nation's character is always determined by it's leadership. And these leaders are men after all.
This has just redefined my idea of blowback?
Yeah, you're right. These guys are talking about the same things we are but in very different ways. Of course there is something JFKish going on with the WTC bombings. Denying that would do nasty things to my credibility.