Monday, March 28, 2005

Long live the Revolt.

What is it that scares me the most about the fund-a-mental American Christian Right? The way they sing in public to that flagging boost morale? (I mean if laughter is the best medicine dumping a few thousand tapes of Johny Ash Letting the Eagles Soar over Iraq might solve that whole Iraq mess by sending the insurgency into spasms of paralyzed cramped dog kicking, gut wrenching, ta'iyya wetting cackles. Never mind the star wars kid, or typhus for that matter.) Or the way they clench their teeth so tight to smile their eyes might pop out of their orbits? How the congratulate themselves during press conferences? The way they squeak when they walk? Or how missionary zeal has long past the bounds of any semblance of mental sanity? Never mind political credibility.

Long Live the Revolution

So Yuchenko made it. How nice. With his stuffed dog revolution. That omnipresence of orange? The color of a stuffed animal on Yushenko's campaign manager's desk. Yessss, it's all so spontaneous and improvised.
Made it to the NATO table next to GWB and his poodle Tony Blair that is.
No... Wait... John Major was Maggy's poodle. Anyways.

Then come a few more of these 'popular' uprisings. And quite popular they must be.
Those kids going beserk to whatever dance music is making the charts in Beruit on martyr's Square must be having the social event of their lives. Never mind the ten fold numbers rallying behind Syria. I guess they're old enough to remember what life was like in 1982. Georgia had it's own thing. Now Kyrgyzstan. Why Kyrgyzstan? I have no idea but the pattern is consistent. A US base has been built recently. An obviously fraudulent election is contested. In this case bringing down the government. Election fraud is not a bit surprising. Small post soviet nation at the bottom end of the Central Asian cluster including the demagog's paradise of Uzbekistan.

Point being the co-option of popular revolts by super powers to...? say it with me, further their vested interests. In this case the US et al chipping away at what's left of Russian regional influence. After all to the winner go the spoils right? From Caspian oil to... Afghan opium? I dunno, just spit balling here.

In short all I can say, from Kiev to Beirut, Bishkek and Tiblisi, party like it's 1899.